Nominations Open for the vice chair position for the maa missouri section
Nominations are open for a special election for the Vice Chair position. If you would like to either nominate someone else, or volunteer to have your own name put on the ballot, contact anyone on the nominating committee (Lauren Miller or David Garth Nominations will also be accepted at the Business Meeting at the Spring Missouri MAA Meeting on Saturday 4/5. If needed, the election will take place electronically in the weeks following the meeting. The responsibility of the Vice-Chair is to assist the Chair in matters of governance and in promoting and sustaining a long-term vision and plan for the Section. The Chair has primary responsibility for sustaining and implementing strategies consistent with MAA and Section initiatives and works alongside either the Vice-Chair or the Chair-Elect to pursue those responsibilities. The Vice-Chair serves a three-year term, becoming Chair after the first year, and then becoming Past-Chair one year later. The Chair would serve the remaining 2 years of a 3-year term - one year as Chair and one year as Past Chair. The Chair may appoint committees of the Section and shall be an ex officio member of each such committee unless specifically barred by vote of the membership at an official Section meeting or unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. The Chair is responsible for conducting both the Executive Committee meeting and the General Business Meeting of the Section at the annual meeting. The Chair does not vote in matters of Section business in either meeting except in the case of breaking a tie. The Past-Chair assists the Chair in the year immediately following the year of service as Chair.