Section Awards

  • Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics Award

    The Missouri Section solicits nominations each year for its Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics Award. Winners of the Missouri Section award will serve as our section’s nominee for the MAA’s national Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award and should satisfy the same criteria

    However, it’s easy to get the ball rolling without filling in all that paperwork. Simply e-mail our Missouri Section Secretary Blaise Heider with the following information:

    (1) Nominee’s name,

    (2) Nominee’s college or university affiliation,

    (3) Nominee’s number of years teaching experience in a mathematical science,

    (4) Has the nominee taught at least half time in a mathematical science during the current academic year or during the previous year if on approved leave or sabbatical, and

    (5) A brief description of the unusual personal and professional qualities of the nominee that contribute to his or her extraordinary teaching success.


    Nominations for the 2025 Missouri Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics are now being accepted. Find more information here.

  • Meritorious Service Award

    The Section also sponsors a Meritorious Service Award. Nominations are welcome, and should include the following information, sent to our Missouri Section Secretary Blaise Heider:

    (1) Name of nominee,

    (2) Name of college or university,

    (3) A description of the activities which you believe qualify this nominee for the award. Please keep in mind that the criteria are service to the Missouri Section or service to the MAA at the national level.